Children’s Fortress Africa is a charitable organization registered in Kenya and Australia, delivering our programs in Kenya since 2014. Primarily, we work with street-connected children to promote their care and protection by facilitating their access to rehabilitation, reintegration, education and resocialization to equip them for independent living.
In Nairobi, an estimated 60,000 children live and work on the streets, an estimated 1,000 -1,200 children live in 28 government-run institutions overseen by the Directorate of Children Services (DCS) including rehabilitation schools, remand homes, rescue centres, assessment and reception centres. We assist in four of these shelters running programs, and building capacity. We also work directly on the streets inviting children from the streets to the shelters.
Source NCCS (2023). National Guidelines for Transitioning Child Care System in Kenya.

To see vulnerable children restored to holistic well-being and God given purpose through discipleship and acts of love

To promote care and protection for street children and youth by empowering families and communities through capacity building, advocacy, and networking with like-minded partners for the glory of God.

In collaboration with the government agencies and like-minded partners we continue to achieve our mission through the following activities:
Facilitation of rehabilitation for street connected children.
Rescue for street connected children.
Reintegration of children to families and communities.
Capacity building for street connected children and their families
Promotion of care and protection of children in families.

Street-connected children:
Rescue | Education support | Reintegration | Mentoring | Psychosocial Support | Trade Skills | Life Skills | Acquisition of National ID Cards.
Rehabilitation Facilitation:
Facility Upgrade | Personnel Secondment | Education Support | Emergency Healthcare | Participation in Care Planning | Advocacy on Children Rights.
Community Empowerment:
Community Libraries | Sports outreach | Collaborative Case Management | Reintegration | Networking.